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Product BIM Measure
Created by Guest
Created on May 21, 2024

Provider a read only implementation of CADM/BIMMeasure to view measurements associated with drawings

Added to the Ideas portal by Colin McLelland based on requirements outlined by longstanding CADMeasure client Quantex Qatar (support case SF 00213888 - May 2024)

Currently we are submitting marked up drawings of measurements in pdf format exported from CADMeasure to our client. The Client would like to have a .cmx Viewer for our measurements so that they can cross check easily.

The current mark up drawings in pdf format has the following shortcomings.

  • Time consuming for exporting as each drawing has to be exported manually.

  • Clients prefer checking set of measurements individually (e.g. highlights only selected measurements when Client select set of drawings).

Will it be possible to have “Viewer” application or similar application for our CADMeasure measurements which will be beneficial for us and clients as well?

This will save time on individual mark ups by drawings. Further, it will provide Client an easy navigation through the markups as well.

Colin Mc additonal. Having tested a CADMeasure Lite version recently where a number of options had been hidden it isn't much of step to extend the concept to hide the Save and Add Drawings features as well as all the add measurement and edit options to generate a Viewer implementation. In my opinion the Viewer should be provided FOC.

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